Name / E-mail/ Delivery CountryWrite your name or Company name / your E-mail address( quotation will be given this email address) / your country(for delivery).

Shipping Way : You can find your Shipping methods  at your Cart in next Step in your page. You can select Shipping method "EMS" option or, "Pay later" option in there( EMS - Shipping will be included to your order,  Pay later - Shipping will not be included to your order)

* If you choose "Pay later"-Your shipping fee will be charged when all your items arrived at our warehouse, we measured actual weight and charge the shipping and you can make payment for shipping charge. This option You can pay First payment (Items price + Handling fee) and Final payment (Shipping fee) when your all order items arrived here.

* We can fix Shipping charge "Pay later" for Live store service or no information or hard to estimate about products weight.

Contents & Items URL. : Copy and paste the items URL Links that you want to buy and write your color/size  and order q'ty.
Ex),  if you can not copy the URL links, You can capture the picture or send  the style number via our E-mail.
If you have any questions, see FAQ Here or, You need more information about Buying Service, see Here

Your  Quotation will be given to you within 1hour, if you did not received any quotation or replay, pls. check your spam fold ( non-business day will be delayed)